Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016

The Buzzness                              


Sept 19- Fundraiser Kick-Off  (Official letter goes home)
Sept. 19- Early Fall BEE classes begin
Sept 20 - 5th Grade to Monticello
Sept 20 - Healthy Snack Day - Petite Peaches
Sept 21 - United Way Day of Caring - volunteers here working on landscaping
Sept 21 - Bus Evacuations
Sept  22 - Bus Evacuations
Sept. 23- Movie Night 6:30-8:30
Sept. 25- PTO Grounds Beautification
Sept. 26- No school - a.m. Responsive Classroom PD, TBD - p.m. School Based PD
Sept 29 - Chiles Orchard - Spradlin/Davis
Sept 30 - Team Spirit Day - Where your favorite team shirt, jersey or hat
Sept. 30 - Chiles Orchard - Whitlock/McCartney/Campbell
Sept 30 - PALS 1-3 Assessment Window Closes

Great quote from this week:
Inspired by the book, The Book Whisperer, Wendy Davis says “Reading can change your life”.

Turn your phones up!

One of the common issues that we’ve heard about from other schools is the ringer volume. By default, the new phones have a ringer that is harder to hear in noisy environments. You may want to either turn the volume up on the default ringer (press the + key while not on a call) or change to a different ringtone. To change ringtones, press the settings button (looks like a gear ), then choose ringtones from the menu. You may either press 2 to select it, or use the arrows and large button in the middle of the phone. The ringtone labeled Chirp1 is the old default ringtone and seems to be audible even in noisy environments. Or feel free to pick whatever you’d like.

The manual can be found here. Feel free to skip around in that and get an idea of how things may be different. For the most part, these phones behave exactly like the others. The transitions have been easy, but if you have any questions, feel free to call the service desk or put in a ticket and we’ll help out in any way we can.

Digging Deeper Presentations

Grade Level teams members will present one or two of their Digging Deeper presentations in the next few weeks during PLC meetings. Bee prepared to present the student that you have been working on.

Submit dates for TPA Goal Setting
It looks like we will not make the September 30th goal setting deadline for everyone. Do not worry about that. If you have not submitted 3 potential dates and times to your appraising administrator, please do ASAP. You can find your appraising administrator in the Staff handbook, saved in Handbook folder on  Faculty Share.

Fire Marshall’s Jason and Terry want to make sure you are  safe!
Image result for fire hat       ... Helmet, Hat, Fireman                    

RTI, SpEd, Grade Level Team Thursday
Reminder that this Thursday’s RTI/SpEd Meeting schedule is such:

2:45 - 3:20
Lynn/SpEd with 2nd Grade
Kristi/SpEd with 3rd Grade

3:25 - 4:00
Lynn/Sped with 4th Grade
Kristi/Sped with 5th Grade

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