Tuesday, December 19, 2017

The Buzzness December 19, 2017

The Buzzness

Why aren’t Erica and Laura at Fardowner’s right now?
 Because they scheduled their BEE Class for this afternoon. Nice! Erica did this on 
Thanksgiving Break Tuesday as well. Double nice for her.

Calendar                           Changes
3            Welcome Back from Winter Break
3-29    PALS Midyear Assessment window
4            SpEd RTI Team Meeting - No gradelevels
8            Winter Bee Classes Begin
8            5-6 Transition meet for 5th Gr @ Henley 3PM
9            PTO Meeting 6:30 - Specials Classes featured  
10          Team Leaders Meeting
11     WAHS Thtr Performance (BES Comm Theater Room)
            1:10 to 1:40  Third grade
1:45 to 2:15  Second grad
11          SpEd/RTI Gradelevel Meetings
12          MI3 Vertical Team meeting  
15           Holiday-No School
16          Fire Drill 9:10a.m.
16    WIDA Jan 16-Mar 16
18          Spelling Bee  
18          Faculty Meeting - MI3
19           Lockdown Drill 8:20a.m.
19          End of 2nd Quarter.  Portal Closes at 3:00 pm
22          Teacher Workday - No School for Students
22    Winter Lit Profile, SNAP and ACAMB due in Illuminate  
26          Report Cards to Admin.
29    CoGAT 2nd Grade Feb 29-Mar 2
29 - Feb 2 Grade level Watchlist discussions - On / Below data due
30           TA Meeting 10am

Holiday School Hours
(approximate times, email ahead for certainty)
OA’s - Only Avis 8a.m. to 3p.m.
          Dec 20, 21 and Jan 2

Admin - 8a.m. to 3p.m
          Dec 20, 21,possible 22nd ½ day and Jan 2

Custodians - 7a.m - 3p.m.
          Dec 20, 21, 22nd ½ day and Jan 2

Diversity Resource Teacher Meetings
Hi Bees,
I have taken on a new role in the building as the Diversity Resource Teacher.
As a county, the diversity resource team studies the work of Zaretta Hammond, 
using her book “Culturally responsive Teaching & The Brain”. I have already 
attended my first meeting and was inspired by the passion the DRT community 
has for their mission. The meetings are lively, informative, and provide time for 
I would like to invite all who are interested, to attend a DRT meeting with me 
this year. There is one meeting each month from 4-6 where dinner is provided!
The final five meeting dates for the 2017-2018 school year are listed below.
January 8th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
Feel free to explore the DRT website 
from this link: 
Please let me know if you are interested or would like additional information.
Have a wonderful holiday break!
Courtney Newman

Friday, December 1, 2017

December 1, 2017 Buzzness

The Buzzness

5    5th Gr Performance JAMES, DONN & GREEN  1:20 & 6 PM
                 (other half 5th grade / 3rd gr view)
6    3rd Wildlife Center visit 8:30 - 11:30AM
7    Service Dog Assembly
                  10:00 – 10:45 (3-5)
                  11:00 – 11:45 (K-2)
7    PM 5th Gr Performance Crick, Humph & Morris 6PM
7    Faculty Meeting- our Specials Programs’
8    Fire Drill 10:15a.m.
8    School Day 5th Gr Performance Crick, Humph & Morris
                   1:20PM (other half 5th grade and K view)
12&13  Food drive family distribution
13   End of Hurricane Relief collecting
13   4th Gr Perform Gillette, Foreman and Sullivan 1:20 & 6PM
                    (other half 4th grade and 1st grade view)
14   4th Gr Perform Gibson, Fiddner & Dollar 1:20 & 6PM
                    (other half 4th grade and 2nd )  
14   RTI / SpEd Meeting 1st and 3rd Grade
15   1st Gr Gingerbread event 12:45 - 1:30PM

*Adjustments to daytime performance start times may be adjusted as needed.  

Illuminate Data Updates
If you have not entered all of your Fall Literacy Profile, SNAP and ACAMB data into Illuminate, please so do before Winter Break begins. Winter Literacy Profile and updated SNAP and ACAMB data should be entered by the end of the teacher workday on January 22nd. Teachers, if you have not entered all of your Fall Literacy Profile, SNAP and ACAMB data into Illuminate, please so do before Winter Break begins. Winter Literacy Profile and updated SNAP and ACAMB data should be entered by the end of the teacher workday on January 22nd.

Service Dog Assembly
Service Dogs of Virginia will be hosting an assembly on December 7.  Their organization trains dogs for people with severe Type I diabetes, people confined to wheelchairs, and children on the autism spectrum. The information will focus on what the dogs are capable of doing for a person by describing and demonstrating. There will be a Q&A at the end and the presenter will ask questions during the presentation to ascertain what some children may already know. For example, what is the difference between a therapy dog and a service dog or what is a guide dog? Also, teachers’ questions will be welcomed.

ST Math
What a great visit from our JiJi master, Ms. Christine Price!
Just know that we can have her come back at some point of the year for more support and answering questions. She is also accessible by email at:  cprice@mindresearch.org

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

November 21 Buzzness

The Buzzness 

The BES Admin Team wishes everyone a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. We are truly thankful to work with such a dedicated and fun staff.

-Nancy, Leslie and Jason

       27          ST Math Christine Price visits PLC’s
       5   5th Gr Performance JAMES, DONN & GREEN  1:20 & 6 PM
                 (other half 5th grade / 3rd gr view)
       6   3rd Wildlife Center visit 8:30 - 11:30AM
       7   Service Dog Assembly
                  10:00 – 10:45 (3-5)
                  11:00 – 11:45 (K-2)
        7  PM 5th Gr Performance Crick, Humph & Morris 6PM
        8  Fire Drill 10:15a.m.
        8  School Day 5th Gr Performance Crick, Humph & Morris
                   1:20PM (other half 5th grade and K view)

ST Math Planning
Gradelevel Teams - Please complete the table for your grade level, so that Ms. Price has an idea of what support you are looking for. Note if you do not expect her to visit. SpEd Team members will join teams as necessary.

Budget Survey
Greetings Albemarle County Public Schools Educators,
We are in the process of developing the 2018-2019 Superintendent's Funding Request.
Your input is of great importance to us, and the following survey is designed to help the school division understand how well we have communicated the annual budget process and to determine the degree to which you support various research-based proposals for improving our services.
The information that we collect will be analyzed and applied to the budget development process. We will share the results!
Thank you very much for taking time to complete the five (5) item survey at the link below!
Matt Haas

Toy Lift

Good morning and Happy Friday everyone! As Christmas season is rapidly approaching, we are looking for volunteers to help box toys for our little bees, during ToyLift weekend which is on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2ND AT 12:00 PM. This year we will be boxing in the old library space at Albemarle Square.  
It truly is a heartwarming experience and lots of fun, so if you could spare an hour or two on that weekend, please email me, and we will sign you up.

Yearbook: We need your contributions!
Hello Teachers,
I know everyone is very excited for Thanksgiving Break!  I wanted to send some quick reminders about uploading yearbook photos.
Below is the link for the grade level folders.  If you click on the grade level there are also folders broken down by teacher.  If photos are only of students in your class, then put it under the folder with your name on it.  If photos include students from a variety of classes then put them in the ALL folder within the grade level folder.  Just a friendly reminder that we would like teachers to upload photos at least 4 times during the school year before Spring Break.  
We would like to thank you for all of the teachers that have already been adding photos!  In reviewing photos please take a look at some suggestions that will help us to get the best quality of photos of students during different activities/events:
  • Narrow your uploads to a max of 4 per occasion
  • Make sure students in the photos have permissions to be photographed
  • Faces: We really want to see bright, happy, or even deep in concentration faces. Not tops of heads or backs.
  • Variety of students - please make sure there are different children in each picture. If you already have one of a particular child, try to get other children in the next photo.
  • Please try to review the background of the photos (we have gotten a few adorable smiling children in the foreground with others picking their nose in the background. ;))
  • ALL PHOTOS MUST BE HIGH RESOLUTION. (if your phone or camera gives you size options - you want to choose the largest possibility)
If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know.
Kelli Crickenberger

Friday, November 10, 2017

November 10, 2017 Buzzness

The Buzzness

Image result for mathematics bee


                            13          Fire Drill 9:10a.m.
                            13          Report Cards Sent Home - paper
                            13-17    CoGAT 4th Grade
                            13- Dec 1  Grade Level Watchlist Discussions                             14          Teacher Assistant Meeting 10AM
                            21          5th Field Trip Movie- Wonder 9AM-12:30
                            21          4th and 5th Family Life instruction, PE
                            22-24    Thanksgiving Holiday

Golden Apple Award Information

It is that time of year again. Here is a link to the nomination form. https://drive.google.com/a/k12albemarle.org/file/d/1wkVtnB7NwMWNPpNpZZ0BxUFqy28I6Go4/view?usp=sharing

Watchlist Discussion Protocol
We still need a few teams to give us a watchlist discussion date.
Here is a draft of the protocol we will use.

Congratulation Tchalaou!

Introducing Sobirah, Tchalaou and his wife’s new baby girl. Many, many blessings!