Friday, September 29, 2017

The Buzzness 

                             2    PALS K Window Opens
                             4    Hearing Screenings 10:30 Conf Rm
5    K Wildrk Trip 9:10AM-1PM Davis, McCart, Whit  
5    Thursday Aftrn time: SpEd / RTI Teachers Meetings
                             6    K Wildrk Trip 9:10AM-1PM Camp, Azimi, Moore
                             6    5th Grade to Monticello 9:30AM - 1:30PM
               9    Fire Drill 8:20a.m.
             10    Pre-K Field Trip Chiles Orchard 9:30 - 11:30AM
                            12   Fall Student Pictures
                            12   2:45 Faculty Meeting - MI3
                            13   Bee Bop K-1 at 9:00, 2-3 at 11:00 and 4-5 at 1:00                             13   PALS 1-3 Data Due

                         Oct 16 - Nov 8    Parent Conference Window 

Collective Efficacy Survey
A few weeks ago, Chris Gilman sent and email that included a Collective Efficacy survey for you to complete. Each link sent, was personal and can not be used again after it is opened. Thus, many of you may have found it to be “completed” already.

Please search back through your emails to fine Mr. Gilman’s email to you with your personal link included.

We are shooting for 100% completion. Let admin know if they can help.

Staff Email Protocol
Did you know Brownsville has two school wide e-mail distribution lists?

1.       Brownsville Staff
This list includes all employees plus current student teachers (teachers, specialists, coaches, administrators, office associates, teaching assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, and BASE staff) which is over 120 members.

2.       Brownsville Staff - Instructional Only
This list includes all instructional staff (teachers, specialists, coaches) which is about 60 members.
Please be thoughtful about using these lists. Before sending a mass email, ask yourself the following questions.
1.       Does this message apply to all of these people who are going to receive it?
2.       Would the Buzz-ness be a better place for this message? (e-mail Jason for items you’d like shared through the Buzzness)

Leave Reminder
Please bee sure to do Aesop for all leave request that are a half day or more, for any time out of the building. Once approved, then do the green slip. This will help Freda and Faye a bunch.



Friday, September 15, 2017

September 15, 2017 Buzzness

The Buzzness 

                             19          Fire Drill 10:15a.m.
                             19          Writer’s Eye Sml Grp 5th Gr 9:00/10:30 arrival   -  
              11:10/1:05 dismissal
20          Day of Caring - Grounds work                   
20          Writer’s Eye Sml Grp 5th and 4th Gr 9:00/10:30 arrival
              11:10/1:05 dismissal
20          Teaching Assistants’ Meeting 10AM Cafeteria
                             21          Lockdown Drill 9:10a.m.
                             22          1st and 3rd 2:45 RTI / SpEd Grade Level meetings
                             22           Staff Development Day BES 8:15 - No School
                             27          1st Grade Field Trip Wildrock 9:45AM - 1:30AM
                             27          Fall Bus Evacuations 1st half
                             28          1st Grade Field Trip Wildrock 9:45AM - 1:30AM
                             28          Fall Bus Evacuations 2nd half
                             28         2nd and 5th  2:45 RTI / SpEd Grade Level Meetings
                             29          PALS 1-3 Window Closes
Link to big calendar:

Required Division Survey
Please use the link below to complete the collective efficacy survey for Fall 2017.
We thank you for your time and participation.
Chris Gilman
Albemarle County Public Schools

Friday, September 8, 2017

September 8, Buzzness

The Buzzness 

Link to Big Calendar  
When adding to calendar, always include all three admin and Freda in your communication.

International Dot Day

September 15 is International Dot Day.  The purpose of this day is to celebrate, creativity, courage, and collaboration.  Click on the link below to explore ideas to implement in your classrooms.  Feel free to encourage your students to wear polka dots on this special day in the world of education.

National Hispanic Heritage Month

Lifelong Learner Standard:  Demonstrate ethical behavior and respect for diversity through daily actions and decision making.

During National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15 to October 15), we recognize the contributions made and the important presence of Hispanic and Latino Americans to the United States and celebrate their heritage and culture.
Our Bee Studio reporters will be sharing special facts related to Hispanic Heritage during the morning announcements.  Feel free to continue to explore additional discussion points on this topic during morning meeting.  

Locking Exterior Doors
We are finding many exterior doors open during the school day. Even if you are at recess, you should be locking the doors behind. Bee sure doors are locked and definitely not propped open.

Planetarium Tuesday Sept 12

Here is a link to Tuesday’s upcoming schedule.

Responding to Hurricane Harvey

We are asking that you brainstorm with your students about ways to help support the hurricane relief efforts. What will your role be as global citizens to support schools and communities in Houston and other effective communities? We are taking ideas from students school wide projects.  Feel free to show the video to your kids. Admin will also be making announcements about this next week.

Video Link

Friday, September 1, 2017

September 1, 2017 Buzzness

The Buzzness 

                            4             Labor Day- School and Office Closed
                            5             PALS 1-3 Window Opens
                            6             Fire Drill 10:15a.m.
                            8             Lockdown Drill 9:10a.m.
                          12             Planetarium Assembly, 3-5  - Com Thtr Rm
                          12             Back To School Night gr 3-5  6:00 - 6:40pm, 6:50 - 7:30 pm
                          13             Fire Drill 9:10a.m.

Take a look at the big calendar and let us know if it needs updating.

Proposed Music Performance Dates
Teams, please take a look at the proposed performance dates and let your team leader know if this is good to go or needs adjustments. We will confirm during next week’s PLC.
Tuesday December 5            James, Donnelly and Greenwood  (ABC)
Thursday December 7          Crickenberger, Humphrey & Morris  (DEF)
Tuesday Dec. 12                    Gillette, Foreman and Sullivan  (ABC)
Thur. Dec 14                          Gibson, Fiddner & Dollar  (DEF)
TUESDAY MAR. 20                Robinson, Henry, Crotteau (DEF)
THUR. MAR. 22                      Chernauskas, Simounet, Pallante  (ABC)
Tues. Mar. 27                          Carew & Hartman (DE)
Thur.  Mar. 29                          Hyde, Hunter, Palmer (ABC)
Tues. May 15                          Martin, Squires, Walker  (ABD)
Thur. May 17                           McLaughlin, Lavrentyeva, Spradlin  (CEF)
Tues. May 22                             ALL Ks

BES Spiritwears

-- The web store address is you can find it on the FB page, and school webpage and has been sent out through bee mail as well.
-- They couldn't do $5 off option on the shirts for Any Staff (this includes any bus drivers, custodians, cafeteria etc) and Teachers so they are doing a 30% percent off of the total order.  This discount code is ....  TEACH.  After you enter all your information - there will be a place to put in promo code - click on "apply coupon"
--The orders should be ready to pick up 1-2 weeks after the web store closes on SEPT 13th.  So I should have the items ready to go home in backpack mail to the students or to the staff no later than the final week of September.
We will be at both open house events tonight and Sept 12th selling the last of what we have pre-ordered.

Art Print Survey
Our PTO needs your feedback on how they are doing with the Art Print program.
Let them know by using the survey at this link:

Purchasing Freeze will begin this Friday September 8
You may submit orders to Avis before this date. We will not be doing any reimbursements or purchases until we are caught up and team budgets are itemized and organized. This could be for 2 weeks or more. Please only order what you need this next week to help us get caught up faster.

Learnwalk Look For’s
This year’s Learnwalk info will be way different than it has been for a long time. There are only three division on 2 site-based “Look For’s” this year. We will discuss this more during this upcoming week’s PLC meetings.

DLF#1 The learning experience is at least on grade level and demands critical thinking and or creativity.
DLF#2 Students are meaningfully collaborating and communicating around learning work.
DLF#3 Students are using feedback to improve their performance.
SLF#1 Recess walk
SLF#2 Teachers at Recess Stations
SLF#3 Responsive Classroom strategies

Inspiring PLC Analogy from Ms. Wills-Taylor
This week Professional Learning Communities convened in order to begin establishing productive approaches to unpack Investigations assessments and curriculum.  The PLC is a platform for professional development, collaborative inquiry, and action-based research.  In terms of sports, halftime conversations can shift the entire trajectory of the game.  Ideally, the dialogue could include the players reflecting on their own performance and the outcomes that their actions have produced.  What does the conversation between the coach and the players sound like in order to ensure a substantial comeback or to maintain the lead?  As we engage in student-centered conversations and establish common PLC language , how can we can we fully take advantage of the opportunity to discuss students’ skill sets through a strength based lens?   Investigations is the game-plan, and our students are the players.  We have the power to position our students for learning victories.  PLC conversations are basically half-time moments to pause and reflect on our individual practices and our collective impact on student achievement.