27 3rd Gr Field Trip Va Museum Fine Arts 8:15-2PM - Henry, Chernauskas, Simounet
28 3rd Gr Field Trip Va Museum Fine Arts 8:15-2PM - Crotteau, Robinson, Pallante
28 K Registration 10AM-1PM and 3PM-6PM
28 Honors Choir to Western H.S. 11:20AM - Parent Pick-up (5:30PM Show)
29 2rd Grade Performance All classes 1:20 ( K and 1 view) & 6:00PM
29 Portal Closes
29 3rd Grade Ancient Adventures Day “Toga Day”
29 Up / Down Meetings and SpEd RTI Department Meeting 2:50PM
30 Half Day for students/ Half Workday for Teachers - End of 3rd Quarter
30 PTO lunch - Sal’s and desserts
2-6 Spring Break-No School
10 Fire Drill 8:20a.m. - Study 3rd grade evacuation plan
10 PTO Meeting 6:30
11 Team Leaders 2:45
11 3rd Gr Night Performance Chernauskas, Simounet, Pallante 6PM (Tentative)
12 SpEd and Friends Little Feet Meet (T. Combs) 8:30AM - 12:30PM
12 RTI / SpEd Gradelevel Meeting 2nd and 5th 2:45PM
13 Around the World Day - 2nd Grade
13 Report Cards due to AdminHALF DAY SCHEDULE
Dismissal will bee at 11:30 with a second bell at 11:33.
Families will contact classroom teachers if they want their children to buy a lunch that day. Jason is sending out a notice about this, today (Fri Mar23). BY WEDNESDAY THE 28TH, TEACHERS need to let Ms. Gwen King, cafeteria manager, know how many lunches to prepare. Student choices are PB&J or a chicken sandwich.
Classroom teachers will dismiss students to the cafeteria in this order at 10:30, to pick up a lunch and bring it back to their class. Admin will notify teams when it is there time. It will go by quickly.
4th, 5th, 2nd,1st, 3rd, K
Ever wonder what to bring to an SBIT meeting?
- *
Current assessments related to the area(s) of
concern (bring the actual assessment)
*Work samples - journal, project, paper, etc.
related to the area of concern
- *Artifacts that represent the student’s strengths
or interests
Bringing more than anecdotes and summative data gives us
concrete examples to back up our hypotheses and enables us to dig deeper into
our inquiry about what the student needs to be successful. Also, including
student work and artifacts that represent their interests reminds us of the
whole child – not just his or her deficits.
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