20 Statewide Tornado Drill 10:00AM
20 4th Field Trip to St Anne’s Belfield - Va Festival of the Book 9:30am-12:15pm
20 3rd Gr Performance ROBINSON, HENRY, CROTTEAU 1:20 ( 3 and 4 view) & 6:00PM
21 K Registration 10AM-1PM and 3PM-6PM
21 Honors Choir to Monticello H.S. 11:20AM - Parent Pick-up (5:30PM Show)
22 3rd Gr Performance Chernauskas, Simounet, Pallante 1:20 (3 and 5 view ) & 6:00PM
24 PTO Beautification Day 10:00-12:00 pm
27 3rd Gr Field Trip Va Museum Fine Arts 8:15-2PM - Henry, Chernauskas, Simounet
28 3rd Gr Field Trip Va Museum Fine Arts 8:15-2PM - Crotteau, Robinson, Pallante
29 2rd Grade Performance All classes 1:20 ( K and 1 view) & 6:00PM
29 Portal Closes
29 3rd Grade Ancient Adventures Day “Toga Day”
30 Half Day for students/ Half Workday for Teachers - End of 3rd Quarter
30 PTO lunch - Sal’s and deserts
*If viewing a performance presents a conflict for a team, let admin know.
Ms. McCullen will announce the drill over the P.A. Once you get to your location and are settled, students only need to get into a "ready" position, on their knees, facing the wall. Once Ms. McCullen gets the notification that everyone is ready, she will announce over the P.A. for students to tuck, and get into their tornado safety position, crouched down with hands over the backs of their heads. After 30-60 seconds, she will clear the drill over the P.A. and everyone can return to normal operating procedures : )
Let admin know if you have any questions.
Tornado Drill Locations
Grade Level / Department
Front Hall by Guidance and
Gateway classrooms.
Front Hall by lounge and 3rd
grade hall.
2nd grade hall.
3rd grade hall.
Community Theater Room hall by
the office, 4th grade hall.
4th grade hall
Head Start
Book room
Book room or library office
Pre School
2nd grade hall
Gym storage closet and bathrooms
Cafeteria Staff
Kitchen storage closet
Office Staff
Mailbox area
Specials classes
Excluding PE, take students to
their designated area. Classroom teachers will support the transition.
RTI and SBIT Tidbit
Historical notes and documents are kept in
students’ cumulative folders in the office vault. Every student in the
SBIT process has a yellow folder to keep all these documents together. Confidentiality is always key in reviewing files and return them promptly.
Check out these helpful tech tips!
Huh? What is software center? Well, it is a great spot for any updates
your Lenovos (student or teacher!) may need. Are you having a problem
Chrome? Is your Lenovo not acting like the best friend it once was?
Check in the software center for possible updates to be sure things are
running smooth again in no time. To find the software center, click on
the magnifying glass on the bottom of your screen,
and then type “software center.” Explore and install any downloads that
might be just the fix you are looking for!
Be sure your sound settings are directing to the correct sound source!
Click on that helpful magnifying glass at the bottom of your screen, and
in “sound.” If your sound is running through your dongle, be sure that VGA is selected. If your sound is running through your headphone jack, be sure to select the
Speaker option. Explore these settings and ask for help if you’re not sure which selection(s) will correct your issue.
No problem! If you click the windows button on your Lenovo (hint= it
looks like a window!) while also clicking the
letter “P,” a menu of projection options will display on the right of
your screen. Most of the time you are probably hoping for the
“duplicate” setting – so try this! This is also where you can explore
options for extending your screen.
What a pain… where do I do that
again? Well, don’t go looking! All you need to do is open a fresh email
and send your concerns to
servicedesk@k12albemarle.org! Be sure your contact information is in
your email, and a ticket will be automatically created. Truly magical.
Worried you will forget the address? Good news – it is printed on the
top of each paper ticket that is also included
with machines requiring repairs.
Happy Computing! Feel free to contact Anne James with any questions!
The Foundation funds projects
that directly involve and benefit students.
We encourage proposals for projects that would not ordinarily be funded
as part of regular school budgets. Requests for textbooks, equipment for
equipment’s sake, food and drink, honoraria, and professional stipends
generally will not be considered for funding. Grants
for materials and programs that can be used over a number of years will be
given preference over consumables and one-time projects.
Link to the application: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b0xtBxU5Y_pO8a8UeGqjcjfyXrZcHaUM/view?usp=sharing
Use this link if you have room repair needs or if you see something else around the school.
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