Too Snow or Not Snow...
11 Daylight Saving Time - Spring forward! Iphone time will take care of you.
13 TA Meeting 10 AM Cafeteria
13 Fire Drill 11:10AM
13 K Registration
13 Dragon Kung Fu Performance (1:15 - 3rd Grade)
14 Spring Bus Evacuations 1st half
15 Spring Bus Evacuations 2nd half
15 SBIT/RTI Gradelevel Meeting 1st and 3rd
15 Used Books Sale in Comm Thtr Rm 5p.m. -7p.m. \
15 #BeeHiveNight 5:30 - 6:30p.m.
20 Statewide Tornado Drill 10:00AM
20 4th Field Trip to St Anne’s Belfield - Va Festival of the Book 9:30am-12:15pm
20 3rd Grade Performance ROBINSON, HENRY, CROTTEAU 1:20 & 6:00PM
21 Honors Choir to Monticello H.S. 11:20AM - Parent Pick-up
22 3rd Grade Performance Chernauskas, Simounet, Pallante 1:20 & 6:00PMREPORT CARD COMMENTS AND TIMELINE
Show that you know and enjoy the student; share progress without using ed jargon/scores. Keep it simple to understand; if you share a deficit, bee sure to list the strategies you will use to support the student. Express optimism about the outcome; if there is an attendance issue, mention it in the comments.
Mar 29 - Portal Closes at 9AM
13 - Report Cards due to Admin
19 - Corrections due
20 - Portal Opens 3PM
This is the letter that will go out to the community on Monday afternoon. Admin will let you know if any of your student will bee involved and provide an update on the supervision plan.
**REMINDER: Do not encourage or discourage participation!! Share our plan and refer questions to the admin team.
Dea Brownsville Families,
As you may know, two nationwide events are planned in which students across the country are
being asked to walk out of school to protest gun violence in schools.The first event is a scheduled
national school walk out this next Wednesday, March 14 @ 10:00 a.m. Event organizers have asked
students to walk out of school for 17 minutes.The second protest is scheduled for April 20 at
10:00 a.m. During this event, students are being asked to leave school for the remainder of the day.
being asked to walk out of school to protest gun violence in schools.The first event is a scheduled
national school walk out this next Wednesday, March 14 @ 10:00 a.m. Event organizers have asked
students to walk out of school for 17 minutes.The second protest is scheduled for April 20 at
10:00 a.m. During this event, students are being asked to leave school for the remainder of the day.
We expect these events mostly will impact secondary schools. Brownsville Elementary will operate
on a normal schedule. If you have discussed this with your child, and they plan to participate on
Wednesday March 14th, please notify the principal so that we can make arrangements for supervision.
Contact Mr. Crutchfield by phone, (434) 823-4658 or email,
on a normal schedule. If you have discussed this with your child, and they plan to participate on
Wednesday March 14th, please notify the principal so that we can make arrangements for supervision.
Contact Mr. Crutchfield by phone, (434) 823-4658 or email,
Students who plan to participate in the event on April 20th will need to be signed out by their parents
or guardians.
or guardians.
It is important for you to know that teachers and administrators at Brownsville will neither encourage
nor discourage these protests. Our goal is to keep students safe.
nor discourage these protests. Our goal is to keep students safe.
ACPS respects the rights of all students to engage in peaceful protests and express their opinions
through speech and other ways as long as it is done respectfully, does not interfere with the rights
of others, and does not disrupt learning in the school.
through speech and other ways as long as it is done respectfully, does not interfere with the rights
of others, and does not disrupt learning in the school.
Jason Crutchfield, principal
Except for the few exceptions, TPA forms in Talent Ed should bee up to date and ready for the final
appraisal process. Take a look and let us know if you need anything. A reminder that novice and
non-tenured teachers should expect unannounced observations in the upcoming weeks.
appraisal process. Take a look and let us know if you need anything. A reminder that novice and
non-tenured teachers should expect unannounced observations in the upcoming weeks.
Congratulations! Brownsville student Madison Anderson has been named a winner in the Bus Lines Poetry Contest! The Bus Lines Poetry Reading at the Virginia Festival of the Book will take place on March 21 at 6:00 p.m. at the Downtown Transit Station on Water Street. We invite everyone to come and hear these fine poets present their work. There will be light refreshments afterwards. The poems will be printed on posters and placed on city buses and will also be placed in the Special Collections Library at UVA.
We are so sorry that we have not updated you on Debbie Gibson. She is back and all healed from a bad fall late last year. She was able to keep the accident quiet, but we are happy that she is back with us.
Phul was out for a couple of weeks because of the cutie below. Congrats to you and your family, Phul!
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