May 28 Memorial Day-School and Office Closed
30 3rd Grade to Monticello 9:15-1:45PM(Simounet, Crotteau, Chernauskas)
30 K Author Share - 9:30 McCartney, 10:30 Davis, 11:30 Whitlock
30 SOL Test Math Day 1 - 4th
30 5th Lake Monocan 9:15 AM - 2:00 PM
31 3rd Grade to Monticello 9:15-1:45PM (Pallante, Henry, Robinson)
31 *Rain Date 5th Lake Monocan
31 SOL Test Math Day 2 - 4th
31 1st Grade Author Share 12:45-1:30 PM
31 K Author Share - 9:30 Campbell, 10:30 Moore, 11:30 Azimi
June 1 Field Day
1 Teacher Library books due
1 Report Cards Due to Admin by noon LINK TO COMMENT SUGGESTIONS
4 Fire Drill 8:20a.m.
4 *Field Day Rain Date
4-7 Tech equipment check -ins - Look for more info from Anne James
5 Volunteer Breakfast
5 PTO Meeting 6:30 - Business
6 Moving Up Day - 5th Grade
6 Report Card Corrections due
6 Team Leaders 2:45
6 Performance Task in Illuminate
7 Last Day of School ½ day-Early release at 11:30 am
7 Printed Report Cards to Teachers
8 Teacher Workday
8 Parent Portal Opens 12noon
8 BES Staff Party - Shannon Horridges House 6-9p.m.
June 12-14 ACPS Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Conference - CAI 2018, Monticello H.S.
25 - July 13 Summer School
July 11 ACPS Math Investigations 3 Workshop
12 Brownsville Elementary Math Investigations Workshop -
Approx times 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Let Jason know if this changes your plans
PD Opportunities
We still have room for folks at our division’s CAI (curriculum, Assessment
and Instruction) conference this summer. June 12-14 at Monticello High
School. Let me know if you are interested.
Collab with Jason at the ACPS Leadership Retreat - Thursday
June 28th - Need 2 Teachers
Jason will take the first primary and first upper grade teacher to respond!
One the second day of our June leadership retreat (Thursday, June 28), we will
begin our day with Dr. Chris Emdin. Chris is an Associate Professor and
Director of the Institute for Urban and Minority Education at Teachers College,
Columbia University. His bio describes him as “a social critic, public intellectual
and science advocate whose commentary on issues of race, culture, inequality
and education have appeared in dozens of influential periodicals including the New
York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.”
An example of Chris’ message and work can be seen in this TedTalk clip:
As Chris brings his experiences and expertise of looking at educational
experiences through different cultural lenses to ACPS, we would ask that
all principals invite two teachers to attend the session with you and your
administrative team. We will spend about an hour after Chris’ workshop
discussing what we heard and thinking about how this might impact our work
as we move into the new school year. In addition to the two teachers you invite,
we will also be opening up fifty seats for any other teachers who are interested
in attending. Information about this opportunity and when registration will open
will be sent via the Compass next week.
The meeting will be at Monticello High School on Thursday, June 28 and will
begin at 8:30. We anticipate teachers being finished by noon.
MI3 @ BES July 12, 8:30-12:30
As we begin to transition our PD goal from this year, to a student academic
progress goal for 2018-19, MI3 will continue to bee a priority for next year. We
still have lots of space and we would like all teams represented. Please let
Jason know if you are interested.
Book Turn-In
Reminder that all student library books are due today. Please send down
all student books from classroom collections today – don’t forget to take a
look inside desks and book boxes. We will continue collecting daily through
the end of the year, so please send down any remaining books (as they
are unearthed from the depths) each day.
Thanks so much!
Teachers Lounges and Community Theater CLEAN-UP
Community Theater Room
We are beginning to clean out the community theater room. Dr. Jones and
Mr. Bricker are taking care of their things. Items belonging to others will
be taken away. You only have a few days to come and get your things.
Teachers’ Lounges
We are starting a major clean up beginning today. If you have items in there,
you need to get them by Monday afternoon. Starting today, if there are items
in the sink, we are not washing them; we are just going to throw them away.
The drying rack will also bee removed. We no longer want folks leaving
dishes in the lounge. From this point, you will have 48 hours to remove dishes
and such. As you begin to clean, organize and purge before leaving for
the summer, please look in the refrigerators and cabinets in the teacher
You should begin complete your tasks in Talent Ed, as the admin team
finalizes the appraisal process for the year. Let your supervising administrator
know if you have any questions. Contract should bee here soon.
End of Year Check Out Forms
These will be in your boxes next week. It is lloonngg! Start getting
some of the things together now. A big new item: EVERYTHING
A New Bee - Carol Smith
Carol will join the Brownsville SpEd Team next year as a half-time
generalist. We will bee sharing her with Murray Elementary. Here
is a bit more about her and we hope she can come and visit soon-
I am so glad to be working with you all next year! I have been working in special
education since 2004, with almost all of those years in elementary. I received my M.Ed.
in Special Education from NC State and my Ed.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from
UVA, so I am an ACC girl through and through. In my free time you can find me
hanging out by the river or walking through the woods. I am looking forward to
meeting all of you and to a wonderful year!
You may welcome her at :
Field day Scheule - Friday June 1
Grades K-2 9-11am
Grades 3-5 12-2pm Lunch
All classes, except 1st grade, will eat in their classrooms on Tuesday, Field Day.
Here’s the schedule for getting lunch from the cafeteria:
11:00 – 3rd Grade
11:15 – 4th Grade
11:30 – 5th Grade
11:50 – 2nd Grade
12:05 1st Grade
12:35 – Kindergarten
Teams coordinate plans for transition.