Friday, November 22, 2019

Image result for bees walking studying cartoon

22 Admin Watchlist Goals due 
25 PTO Snacks for Teachers in the Teachers’ Lounge. 
25 K Celebration of Thanks:10Riordan, 11 Davis, 11Fleming, 12Moore
26 K Celebration of Thanks:11 All,  11:20Campbell, 12 McCartney
27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday
4 Team Leaders Meeting 2:45 pm
5 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
6  Fire Drill 9:10 am 
9 5th - UVA Nano Days 9-10:15 James, Greenwood, Donnelly Old Gym 
10    5th Grade performance DEF - 1:30pm 4th view ; 6:00pm 
12    5th Grade performance ABC - 1:30pm 3rd view ; 6:00pm 
12 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm

CLT Week 5 and Thursday December 5th 
Congratulations on another round of 
Learn Walks!!

Just for thought: 
How long are your CLT meetings? 
Are you and your team bringing student work or data to every meeting? 
Are you and your team thinking about, looking for and studying cognitive 
engagement levels? 
Have roles changed on your teams?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday, December 5, 2019

CLT - Cycle Week 5
2:50-3:15 Team Time K & 4
3:15-4:00 K & 4th RTI PLC 

2:50-3:40 1,2,3,5 Team Time
3:40-4:00 - 1,2,3,5 possible SPED mtgs
RTI: 2:30-3:15 - CLT
        3:15-4:00 - Meet with K & 4 

SpEd: 2:50-3:40 - CLT
           3:40-4:00 - PLC or meet with 1,2,3,5 as needed.
CLT - Week 5 - 2:50-3:30
Grade Levels

First and foremost, leave Freda alone on Monday. We are hiding her 
to make sure we do our BESt to ensure a smooth transition with this new system. 

Here are other reminders: 
  • Make sure you approve your timecards in the previous pay period, not current. 
  • You must have timecards approved by 10am on Monday. 

Monday, November 25
Supervisors/timekeepers complete any necessary timecard corrections.
Employees approve their own timecards

Hello Hive,
Hour of Code is coming up the week of December 9th-13th.
The Learning Technology team will be curating resources for this event. Our goal
this year is for students across our division to engage in 5000 hours of code
throughout the week. If you pre-register through ACPS for this event we will
send swag for your students and the chance to win amazing prizes for your school!
I can help you by either facilitating a session for your students, helping you plan a
session, or sharing resources. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. Providing coding
opportunities for your students helps to integrate the Virginia Computer Science
standards and helps your students learn valuable digital skills.
For more information click here .


Nominate a Deserving Educator for a 2019-2020 Golden 

Apple Award by Jan. 27

Golden Apple
Once again, Better Living Building Supply and Cabinetry is sponsoring the 
Golden Apple Awardsfor outstanding teachers in our community’s school systems!
Who is eligible? Eligible candidates are current public or private school teachers 
in Albemarle County or Charlottesville City, preschool through grade 12, who have 
not received a Golden Apple Award in the past three years.
What do award winners receive? One teacher from each Albemarle County and 
Charlottesville City school, including CATEC, will receive a Golden Apple keepsake, 
gift certificates from local businesses, and—new this year—a $500 grant for 
classroom materials or professional development! A ceremony will be held to 
honor award recipients on Thursday, May 21, 2020.
When is the submission deadline? Nominations must be submitted to the 
teacher’s principal by Monday, January 27, 2020.
Who can submit a nomination? Candidates may be nominated for the Golden 
Apple Award by colleagues, students, and/or community members.
How does someone nominate a teacher? First, download the Nomination Form 
and complete Part One. Then, submit the nomination form to the teacher’s 
school principal by January 27. (The principal will complete the submission process.)
New this year! The nomination form also is available in Spanish: Formulario de

Team Leaders received information on performance task 
scheduling and teams will complete a google form to confirm 
when they will be administered, scored and entered into Illuminate. 
Find task resources HERE

Friday, November 1, 2019

The Buzzness

Image result for bee voting

4 Teacher Work Day - No Students
5 Parent Conference Trade off Day
6 Miller School Students TBD
6 3rd visit from Shenandoah National Park Ranger 8:30am - 10:55am
6-7 CogAT Testing  for 4th graders
6 Team Leaders Meeting 2:45 pm
7  3rd visit from Shenandoah National Park Ranger 8:30am - 10:55am
7 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
8 PALS K Data due
8 Report Cards due to Admin 3:00pm  
11 Schoolwide Morning Meeting rehearsal for student leaders 8:10am - 8:40am
11 Classroom TA Meetings 10 am
12 Schoolwide Morning Meeting 3-5  
12 Fire Drill 1:15 pm
13 Student make-up picture day - Conference Room 
13 Schoolwide Morning Meeting K-2
13 SPED TA’s Meetin 2:45 pm 
14 Report Card Corrections due 3:00pm 
14 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
15 Parent Portal opens 3:00pm

Here is a link to the BES Report Card Comment Suggestions .
The timeline is in the above calendar. 
Let the admin that is reviewing your comments know when they are ready,
whether they are in a Word or Google Doc or in Power Teacher. Here is a breakdown: 
Robertson - K,1st, ABase, ESOL - Brandi 
Crutchfield - 3rd, 5th DBase, CombsBase, BBase, Speech
Moya - 2nd, 4th, CBase, PreK

The admin team has a draft plan for making up yesterday’s afternoon meeting times. 
Once it is finalized it will be shared with everyone this Monday. 

All employees who will begin using the Kronos system in Phase II 
should complete the appropriate training module by Friday, November 
15. You can access the training modules for exempt and non-exempt 
employees and teachers through our Time and Attendance web page. 
The flex day on November 4 might be the perfect time to complete your training! 
More Kronos info from our Division Compass: