Friday, October 25, 2019

Image result for bear bee
We have a new meaning for, "Code B"over the walkies!!

26    PTO Grounds Clean up 9:00am - Noon  ( Nov 2nd Rain Date)
29 Schoolwide Morning Meeting 3-5 8:10am - 8:40am
29 Flu Shots 8:30 am - 11:00 am Conference Room
29 12:30-1:15 - Pumpkin Carving Event: McLaughlin, Martin, Wood, Lewis
30 12:30-1:15 - Pumpkin Carving Event: Estes, Lavrentyeva, Shepard, Spradlin
30 Schoolwide Morning Meeting K-2 8:10am - 8:40am 
31    4th Ivy Creek Natural Area 9:30-11:45am Fiddner, Gibson, Gillette
31 Kindergarten (9:45)- Book Character Parade and (10:45 ) - Eric Carle Celebration
31 End of 1st Quarter - Portal Closes at 3:00 pm
31 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
1 Division-wide PD Day  - Making Connections
4 Teacher Work Day - No Students
5 Parent Conference -Trade off Day
6      Miller School Students TBD
6      3rd visit from Shenandoah National Park Ranger 8:30am - 10:55am
6-7 CogAT Testing  for 4th graders
6 Team Leaders Meeting 2:45 pm
7      3rd visit from Shenandoah National Park Ranger 8:30am - 10:55am
7 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
8 PALS K Data due
8      Report Cards due to Admin 3:00pm    
11 Classroom TA Meeting 10 am

As most of you know, Faye will have knee surgery this Monday 
and be out until the first of the year. Many of the faculty and staff 
have already asked how they can help Faye and Ricky during her 
recovery, so I have created a Meal sign up, see link below.  We wish 
her all the best!  
Starting Monday, teacher will wait until 8:10am to take attendance. 
This will allow time for any late bus arrivals and car riders to get to 
breakfast and make it to class. This will also eliminate the need for the 
“hold attendance” all call (crossing fingers : ) )
Next week’s plan is updated on the Thursday meeting calendar: 
All teachers (exempt employees) must complete the Kronos training.  
Please complete this by Wednesday, November 6th.
Go to the online training module section and watch the third one down: 
Exempt Employees (Teachers)  You may do it in multiple sessions, but it will 
take about an hour.  You need to complete certification at the end. 
All Non-exempt employees (Teaching assistants) – We will be working 
with the teachers to allot time for you to complete your training here at school.  
More information to come in your mailboxes next week.
Important notes about the training modules:
  • Non-exempt employees should be able to complete the module in 
1½ hours.
  • Exempt employees and teachers should be able to complete the 
module in an hour.
  • You may review your training module all at one time or take your time 
over multiple sessions.
  • You can revisit the training modules as often as you would like.
  • Within your module, you may click on the sound icon on each slide, 
which may be particularly helpful when there is a lot of information, 
plus you have access to speaker notes that give more detail.
  • On the last slide, be sure to verify that you completed the training.

Please remind 1st-5th families that we do not dress up in costumes for 
Wearing festive attire such as t-shirts,colors, headbands should be fine. 


As in the Compass, if you are interested in being a member of the product 
team us this link: 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Image result for fall time bee

11 PALS 1-3 Data Due
14 Parent/Teacher Conferences Oct. 14-Nov. 6
17 Faculty Meeting 3:25 pm
19 PTO Color Run 9am Henley Track 
21-25 Bus Safety Week
22 Fire Drill 8:20 am
23 Miller School Students
24 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
24 K Wildrock Field Trip Fleming, Moore, Riordan, Davis 
25 K Wildrock Field Trip  Campbell, McCartney, Whitlock
25 4th Ivy Creek Natural Area 9:30-11:45am Sullivan, Gately, Herring 
25 PALS K Window Closes
26 PTO Grounds Clean up TBD ( Nov 2nd Rain Date)

This week we will come together as a faculty and reflect on the first cycle of this process. We will meet in
the library and start immediately at 2:30. A few CLT’s need to use the beginning of Thursday’s time. Here
is this week’s schedule: 

Grade Levels
October 17, 2019
K-5:  Team Time - 2:50-3:30

Staff Faculty Meeting-3:30-4:00
  • Next Kick-off: What is our Visible Impact?
SpEd: CLT- Week 6 - 2:50-3:30

RTI:  CLT - Week 6 -  2:50-3:30

Staff Faculty Meeting: 3:30-4:00
CLT - Week 6 - 2:50-3:30


Staff Faculty Mtg:  3:30 - 4:00

Here is the link to the Brownsville Bee Photo Booth:

Please let Trish know if there are others who need to be added.  She will be adding the Cafeteria
staff on Monday.
