30 Jason out for the week
30 School-Based Professional Development Day- No School for Students
1 PALS K Window Opens
3 3rd Camp Friendship 9:15am -1:45pm Robinson, Pallante, Crotteau
3 Thursday Meetings 2:50 pm
4 3rd Camp Friendship 9:15am -1:45pm Chernauskas, Henry, Bowen
5 PTO Bee Healthy Color Run 8am
7 PTO Kindness in Chalk 7am
7-2 PTO Coat Drive
9 School Pictures
9 Miller School Students TBD
9 Team Leaders 2:45 pm
10 5th Grade Paramount Theater 9:30am - 12:15pm
10 Thursday Meetings 2:50pm
11 PALS Data Due
RIGOR FOR ALL - Western Feeder Pattern Elementary Schools
Brownsville Elementary School
September 30, 2019
8am Breakfast in the main hall
8:20 Presentation in the BES old gym
8:25 Break-out into 3 sessions:
CRT- old gym
Session B Powerful Task Rubric and PLC/CLT - Library
Session C Powerful Task Rubric a Deeper Dive - Rm 307 Sullivan
8:30 Begin Break out sessions
11:30 RIGOR FOR ALL concludes / Lunch
12:30 -1:30pm Tech Time with Sandy Shaffer
12:30pm - Team Time, 1st Being a Reader
2:00 - 3:30pm - 3rd Grade Team @ Center 1
TECH TIME with SANDY, MONDAY @ BES 12:30-1:30pm
Sandy Shaffer will host a session, this Monday, if you are interested
in learning more about the new Promethean touch screen monitors.
These monitors are new this year and we may begin integrating them
more. Currently, they are available for check-out. They are also being
used for temporary projector replacements, so there may be a waiting list.
If you are interested in what they can do, feel free to sign up using this link:
Begin thinking about what your team will share.
Meetings are scheduled for the 29th and 30th of October.
Hi Bee Family,
Interested in spreading joy and encouragement to those
around you? Consider joining the sunshine committee. This
is an organization that we created last year with the purpose
of supporting and celebrating our community of all the BES staff -
teachers, office staff, leadership team, specialists, interventionists,
TA's, cafeteria staff, custodial staff and anyone else who works with
the amazing students at Brownsville.
It is the hope that this team will help us get to know each other better
and continue to foster encouraging relationships among us all.
Some fun to look forward to this year:
1. Opt in gift exchanges during holidays (Winter, Valentines Day...)
2. Notes and treats of encouragement
3. Shout outs for all the hard work and love we know you are
pouring into this job.
Please reach out to Tate ( if you are
interested in joining and if you
know of someone who may need some words of encouragement or some celebrating.