Friday, January 25, 2019

The Buzzness


Image result for bee eating pizza
           29 - 31 2nd Grade CogAT Testing  
           30 Teaching Assistant Meeting 10:00am Cafeteria
           30 Miller School Students 1:00-2:00pm
           30 5th Grade Parent Night at Henley 6:30pm
31 Report Card Corrections due
31 SPED/RTI Team Mtg. 2:45pm

       1         Teachers Letters of Intent due
           1 Portal Opens 3:00pm
           4 Golden Apple Nominations Due
           4 SpEd Teaching Assistant Meeting 2:45pm Location TBA
5 SpEd Department meeting 11:30am Tentative more info soon
           6 Team Leaders Meeting 2:45
7 K/4th RTI/SPED mtg; Art/Music mtg. 2:50pm
8 Hive Jive 6:30 pm

We have landed on the 2 dates for the schoolwide morning
meetings to take place on February 19, 3-5 and 20, K-2 ; 8:00-8:25ish.
More details will be flushed out by next week’s Buzzness : )
The general format looks like:
-Student leaders from each grade level presenting (you can start
think about how you will select 2 or 3 to present your gradelevel
-A motivational morning message presented by 5th and 2nd grade
-Each grade level does their share.
-Activity voting on the new student leadership name.

The admin team will really get going with learnwalking classrooms
to check on the progress of our admin watchlist students. Admin will
Do their best to get in and observe the specific goals and strategies
Listed for those students. If the learnwalk takes place outside of that
Time, we will still document their general engagement the activity at
Hand. You will receive a copy of the notes in your box, letting you
Know our findings. Just like learnwalks of the past, this is
Documenting and the performance and activity of the student, to

Help inform instruction.

Friday, January 11, 2019

The Buzzness

Image result for bees in snow

15   Fire Drill 10:15 am
16 Miller School Students 1:00-2:00pm
16 Henley visits Brownsville 5th Graders Location 1:15
17 Spelling Bee 9:00am Library
17 1st/3rd RTI/SPED mtg; PE/Guidance Mtg. 2:45pm
18   End of 2nd Quarter.  Portal Closes at 11:30am.  ½ Day School-based PD Day
18 Math Vertical Meeting 1:00-2:00pm; Scheduling Team Meeting 2:00-2:30
21 Holiday-No School
22   Teacher Workday - No School for Students
22 Winter Literacy Profile, SNAP and ACAMB data entry due in Illuminate
24   8:20 Lockdown Drill
24 2nd/5th RTI/SPED mtg; Library/Gifted Mtg. 2:45pm
25    Report Cards (robust) to Admin.
25    5th field trip to Paramount 9:45am - 12:15pm 25          
25 4th field trip to Paramount 11:30am - 2:00pm

Half Day Lunch Schedule

All classes will eat in their classrooms on Friday. Please get bag lunch orders
to Gwen by Wednesday the 16th.
Here’s the schedule for getting lunch from the cafeteria. Admin will walkie each
Team Leader when the cafe is clear:
10:30 – K
10:35 – 4th Grade
10:40 – 1st Grade
10:45 – 3rd Grade
10:50 -  2nd Grade
10:55 – 5th Grade - 5th grade goes to the first section of specials and stays
10 minutes longer (until 10:55). They will go pick up lunches if necessary on
their way back to homerooms from specials. No second half of 5th grade
specials and no 2nd grade specials that day.

Teams coordinate all other schedules and transitions.

CogAT Testing
The CogAT test will occur over three days:  Tuesday January 29th,
Wednesday January 30th, and Thursday January 31st.  The test will
occur in 2nd grade classrooms from 8:30-9:00 on the three testing days.

Revised “Robust” Report Card Comments Suggestions
Here is the updated link for Report Card Comment Suggestions.

Administrative Performance Surveys
Bee on the lookout for emails containing surveys for your School
Administrative Team.
Your participation is appreciated.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hap-Bee New Year, Everyone!
What a nice vacation. The time away has been restful and well needed.
The Admin Team is looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow. The
workday is a perfect transition to get ready after so many days away.

Here are a few things we have been thinking about.

Math Investigations 3 and how we will use it to make the necessary gain
for our students' academic progress in math is a major part of our school
improvement plan this year. We will propose a meeting date for Friday
January 18, 1pm. Our Math Vertical Team members are:
Anne Whitlock, Erica McLaughlin, Kristen Hunter, Victoria Chernauskas,
Nancy Fiddner, Karen Morris and Analisa Herring.

Bee sure to use tomorrow to spend time updating your TPA Talent Ed forms
for the mid-year. Brandi, Ashley and I will take some time tomorrow to provide
feedback to the teachers we are working with.

Our Admin and Intervention Team, Christa, and Kristi, will spend some time looking
at all our cases tomorrow.  Some of the time will be used to design targets for the
next semester review in February where we will take a closer look at our watchlist
students and the strategies we use that are effective. We also made tentative
adjustments to the Sped/RTI/Grade level Meeting schedule to fit in with the
objective of semester review and incorporate Specials Teachers in the process.
Since we have not received feedback, we will notify Team Leaders once it is
finalized on the BIG Calendar.

There is so much going on in January that we are including the entire calendar
for the month. Sped/RTI/Grade level meetings will be finalized tomorrow.

Jan          2          School Based PD Workday - No Students
               3 Students first day back from Winter Break
2-30 PALS Midyear Assessment window
8 PTO meeting 6:30 pm
               9 Team Leaders Meeting (adjusted) 2:45 pm
               10 4th Performance 1pm & 6pm -  ABF (Azimi, Fiddner, Sullivan)
10 K/4th RTI SPED mtg; Art/Music Meeting Proposed
  15         Fire Drill 10:15 am
               16 Miller School Students 1:00-2:00pm
               16 Henley visits Brownsville 5th Graders Location 1:15
               17 Spelling Bee
17 1st/3rd RTI/SPED mtg; PE/Guidance Mtg. 2:45Proposed
               18         End of 2nd Quarter.  Portal Closes at 3:00pm.  ½ Day School-based PD
18 Math Vertical Meeting 1:00-2:00pm;proposed
                            Scheduling Team Meeting 2:00-2:30Proposed
               21 Holiday-No School
22        Teacher Workday - No School for Students
               22 Winter Literacy Profile, SNAP and ACAMB data entry due in Illuminate
               23-Feb1 2nd Grade Cogat - Tentative Date
24           8:20 Lockdown Drill
24 2nd/5th RTI/SPED mtg; Library/Gifted Mtg. 2:45Proposed
25        Report Cards (robust) to Admin.
25          5th field trip to Paramount 9:45am - 12:15pm
25          4th field trip to Paramount 11:30am - 2:00pm - Pending
28          SpEd Teaching Assistant Meeting 2:45pm Location TBA
               30 Teaching Assistant Meeting 10am Cafeteria
               30 Miller School Students 1:00-2:00pm
               30 5th Grade Parent Night at Henley 6:30pm
31 Report Card Corrections due
31 SPED/RTI Team Mtg. 2:45Proposed