Friday, August 31, 2018

The Buzzness

Image result for bee doing labor

The Buzzness

3           Labor Day- School and Office Closed
4 PALS 1-3 Window Opens
5            5TH grade Field Trip Monticello 9:15 am - 1:50 pm
5            Fire Drill 11:05 am
5            Team Leaders 2:45
6            SpEd / RTI / Gradelevel Meetings 4th and K
7            Lockdown Drill 9:10 am 1st grade 10 minute early recess
10- Oct 4   PTO Fund drive
11        Back To School Night K-2nd,  6 - 6:40 1st session, 6:50 - 7:30
              2nd session No dinner
12          Fire Drill 8:20 am
13          Faculty Meeting - PD Goal Progress

MONITORING EMAIL : The “reply all”
Use discretion when using the “reply all” function on our email. Our
new email looks different and many may do this by accident. The “reply all”
function is for small group communication in decision making, but
not to generally respond to a request, a notification, or an ISO. Admin will
respond to inappropriate use of mass emails or reply-alls.

This year the division would like rotating members for TEACHER
ADVISORY TEAMs. There will bee 3 meetings this year and up to
2 members of the school can join at each.

Meeting days are: 4:15-5:45 pm
Oct 16 WAHS, Jan 8 Hen, April 23 BES

BES needs a school rep Science Content Advisory Team member.
Let admin know if you are interested.

A plan for grade-level homeroom teachers to share bus duty
assignments will be presented to Team Leaders on Wednesday.
We will continue the teacher supervision on the buses until a new
dismissal plan is worked out by Team Leaders.

BEE Program Info for Teachers
Hi Brownsville Teachers and Staff,
We are excited to begin another year of the BEE Program (Brownsville Elective Education).
For those of you new to Brownsville, the BEE Program, founded in fall 2005, is an elective
after school education program for the students of Brownsville Elementary School.  The
primary goals of the program are broad curriculum (provide fun and educational classes
not offered during the regular school day), convenience (courses are offered right after
school at Brownsville), and affordability (rates are competitive and scholarships are
available).  The BEE Program is sponsored by Brownsville’s PTO and is not operated to
make a profit.
Please visit to learn more about BEE.  We encourage teachers to
register on the site so you will receive updates about PTO activities.
Kate Modica and Iyana Carter are the Co-Chairs of the program.  They are helped by a
team of fabulous parent volunteers to manage and run the program.  See the BEE Team list
·         Registration for the Early Fall BEE classes begins Wednesday, September 5th at 6:00
·         Parents send checks to school for payment.  Please send these checks to the main office.  
Parents may also pay online using a credit card.
·         The Early Fall classes begin Monday, September 17th.
·         All teachers will receive a Weekly Participants List by each Monday morning so you will
know which of your students will be taking BEE classes that week.
·         As a thank you for being so wonderful to the children of Brownsville, the children
of all teachers and staff are eligible for one scholarship per BEE session (Early Fall, Late
Fall, Winter, Spring).  When registering your children, please just check the box Scholarship
Requested.  We’ll handle the rest.
·         Scholarships are readily available to deserving children.  If you know of a child who may
be interested in or benefit from a BEE class, please forward your suggestion to Kari Cress at and copy Kate Modica at and Iyana Carter
at  Children have been offered scholarships for various reasons. For
example, it may help a child make new friends, it may benefit a child who is having a rough time
in school or at home, it can provide an opportunity for a child whose parents/guardians cannot
afford a class, it can reward a child for good behavior or superior talent, etc.  We will contact the
parents and take it from there.
·         If a BEE class is cancelled, you will be contacted by the BEE Team via email with the
dismissal plans for each of your affected students.
·         If you have any questions about BEE, please do not hesitate to contact any of the BEE
volunteers at any time.  For general email inquiries, please use or
directly contact Kate Modica or Iyana Carter.  For timely or urgent matters, such as a child’s
confusion about a class, please contact the main office and they will get in touch with us.
Thank you for all your support of the BEE Program.  We look forward to a fun year of BEE!

Kate Modica & Iyana Carter - BEE Co-Chairs