Friday, February 23, 2018

February 23 Buzzness

The Buzzness 


27          Fire Drill (Rescheduled) 1:25PM
28          3-5 Jump Rope For Heart in P.E.
1            Variety Show evening performance 6:30PM
1            RTI/ SpEd Gradelevel Meet -  Kindgtn and 4th
2            Variety Show K-2 8:45 to 9:45, 3rd  10 to 11AM,
                                     4-5 12:15 to 1:15                                                                                                                                                    
2            Art Fest in the West    WAHS 6-9PM
7            Team Leaders 2:45   
8            Faculty Meeting: SBIT / RTI 2:45
9            PTO Families in Motion  6:30PM
Art Fest in the West info
If you would like to promote this event to your class, here is a cool video. 
Brownsville art will be represented.
Here is the link:  

It is currently on our ACPS Facebook, Twitter
and YouTube pages. Here is the link:

Welcome Becca Ramdass- Long Term P.E. Sub

Becca comes to us from the Curry School after completing her Master’s
 of Ed program this past Winter. She has made an immediate impression
 with her ability to connect with our bees. She will be with us through
 Cherie’s leave. She currently does not have a k12 email address, but we
 will set her up asap.

BES Hive Helpers Association - HHA

All the planning for the student Hive Helpers Association, our new for of
 student government, is going well. Here are a few updates:
  • Philippa Belsches, a parent of two of our younger bees, has taken 
    the challenge to lead these ambitious students. Keep an ear out if 
    she needs to reach out to any of us for support. She will monitor a 
    k12 email address for these students once it is set up.

  • A student newspaper survey will go out all students within the next 
    two weeks. The objective will bee for students to select a name for 
    the paper. A paper format will go out to pre-K -2nd students and a 
    google form will be sent to all 3-5 student. There will be 
    announcements for this prior to it going out.

Master Schedule Input

On March 5th, a school team will meet to draft a schedule option(s) 
for next year. If you have specific considerations that will inform the 
team's work, list them in this form.

February 23, 2018

The Buzzness 

  • xt two weeks. The objective will bee for students to select a name for the paper. A paper format will go out to pre-K -2nd students and a google form will be sent to all 3-5 student. There will be announcements for this prior to it going out.

Friday, February 2, 2018

February 2, 2018 Buzzness

The Buzzness

The madness is over! - Check out this cool schedule. Thank you for pushing through these past few weeks.

5            Report Cards Sent Home
6            TA Meeting
8    Faculty Meeting BES Mid-Year Review Library   2:45pm
9            Hive Jive 6:30PM
13          Fire Drill 1:25 PM
14          Happy Valentine’s Treats from PTO in the Lounge

From Discussion to Instruction
The Admin Team is looking for teacher volunteers to present their story at our Thursday Faculty meeting, about how a great conversation in a PLC meeting, SBIT meeting, IEP or RTI/ SpEd Gradelevel meeting, that lead to a quality learning experience for a student or students.
In general, you would need to discuss:

  • What happened in the meeting
  • Planning for implementation
  • How the implementation went
  • Describing the positive results

We have a couple of volunteers and we are looking for more!

Thank you for considering.

Have you seen the ones that have been posted yet?
Don’t you still want to post one and join the fun?

What a great way to share your progress.

Check these out and give it a shot.

Your grid code is ge3bh4 and here is a direct link to the grid:
Also, here is a direct link to this new topic:

Click on “How’s it going”

Mid-Year Reviews
Thank you to everyone that has participated in Mid-Year Reviews so far. These meetings and reading report card comments, leads us to believe that we are making tremendous progress and that there is more to come. The dedication and commitment of this School Team is second to none.

We have a few more to go. with a bit more information to collect. Jason will bee presenting our progress to the division leadership on Monday morning.

BES Admin Team

Recertification Tip

Here is the link that Christa found helpful:

Overdue Book Notices
Hi Teachers!
1.      Overdue notices for students will be coming around today. Don’t forget to remind students to check in classroom collection bins, backpacks, and book boxes, as well as at home.
2.      Overdue notices for teachers and support staff will be in mailboxes. If you see an item named “Investigations in number, data, and space..” – don’t panic. This is your Investigations Math kit that is checked out to you. If that is the only thing you have checked out, we will not put a slip in your box.

P.S. You don’t need to turn in any items you are still using! We just like to send out reminders periodically so you know what you do have, and can return what you are finished using.

Master Schedule and Peer Observation

Two items we will continue the conversation about, is our Master Schedule and MI3 Vertical Team Members peer observation planning. Bee on the lookout for more information and let the Admin Team know if you have ideas or want to join the fun.