2 PALS K Window Opens
4 Hearing Screenings 10:30 Conf Rm
5 K Wildrk Trip 9:10AM-1PM Davis, McCart, Whit
5 Thursday Aftrn time: SpEd / RTI Teachers Meetings
6 K Wildrk Trip 9:10AM-1PM Camp, Azimi, Moore
6 5th Grade to Monticello 9:30AM - 1:30PM
9 Fire Drill 8:20a.m.
10 Pre-K Field Trip Chiles Orchard 9:30 - 11:30AM
12 Fall Student Pictures
12 2:45 Faculty Meeting - MI3
13 Bee Bop K-1 at 9:00, 2-3 at 11:00 and 4-5 at 1:00 13 PALS 1-3 Data Due
Oct 16 - Nov 8 Parent Conference Window
Collective Efficacy Survey
A few weeks ago, Chris Gilman sent and email that included a Collective Efficacy survey for you to complete. Each link sent, was personal and can not be used again after it is opened. Thus, many of you may have found it to be “completed” already.
Please search back through your emails to fine Mr. Gilman’s email to you with your personal link included.
We are shooting for 100% completion. Let admin know if they can help.
Staff Email Protocol
Did you know Brownsville has two school wide e-mail distribution lists?
1. Brownsville Staff
This list includes all employees plus current student teachers (teachers, specialists, coaches, administrators, office associates, teaching assistants, custodians, cafeteria workers, and BASE staff) which is over 120 members.
2. Brownsville Staff - Instructional Only
This list includes all instructional staff (teachers, specialists, coaches) which is about 60 members.
Please be thoughtful about using these lists. Before sending a mass email, ask yourself the following questions.
1. Does this message apply to all of these people who are going to receive it?
2. Would the Buzz-ness be a better place for this message? (e-mail Jason for items you’d like shared through the Buzzness)
Leave Reminder
Please bee sure to do Aesop for all leave request that are a half day or more, for any time out of the building. Once approved, then do the green slip. This will help Freda and Faye a bunch.