*Please read late editions toward the bottom
31 Late Fall BEE classes begin
2 Team Leaders Meeting 2:45 p.m.
3 K and 1st RTI/SpEd Meetings 2:45-3:25 p.m.
4 Mix It Up Day at lunch time. Grades 2nd – 5th
7 Making Connections - No school for students
7a.m. Report Cards completed and Jason / Nancy notified
8 Conferences trade off day - No school for students
9 PTO meeting 6:30 p.m.
10 Faculty Meeting 2:45 p.m.
3 p.m. Report Card corrections due to Marianne
11 Student Make-up Pictures
Report Card Timeline
3p.m. Thursday October 27 - Portal closes down
7a.m. Monday November 7 - Report cards completed. Notify both Nancy and Jason by email. Weekends only if you need them!
3p.m. Thursday November 10 - Corrections due. Email Marianne, Jason and Nancy
Making Connections Update
Fire marshall visit
Our Fire Marshall will be here on November 1st. Please keep in mind the guidelines:
TA Goal Setting
Teaching Assistants will set up their goal setting meetings with Nancy or Jason by next week. Please keep in mind that ALL TA’s will need about 20 minutes away from their duties in the next couple of weeks to get this done. Thanks for understanding.
Occupational Therapist Update
Cori Carpenter will be back after Thanksgiving. Dee Taylor will continue to provide coverage on Mondays. If needed, Dee’s contact info is: teamtherapy@comcast.net
Parade of Cuteness
Newsplex 19 did a great story on our Book Parade. Check it out:
It Couldn’t Be Done
Part II
Somebody scoffed: “Oh, you’ll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it”;
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he’d begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn’t be done, and he did it.
*Late editions:
For those with mailboxes on the left (TA’s, BASE etc), some
mailboxes have moved.
In alphabetical now…..mostly J
Lugus and Brown are now under K and 1st
Just one of my ‘”pet peeves” sorry!
Thanks, Freda
Equity Team
Dear Brownsville Staff,
As our Diversity Resource Teacher I
would like to create an Equity Team at our school to ‘develop a capacity
for cultural competence and a commitment to equity and inclusion’ at
Brownsville. There will be a Culturally Responsive Teacher training on
Thursday, November 3rd at Murray High School from 8:30am to 3:45pm. I will be
attending. I have been asked to bring
Equity Team members, if possible. Please let me know if you would be interested
in attending as part of our Equity Team! It would be wonderful to have one or
two other teachers from Brownsville participating. It is a way to show
our commitment to cultural literacy in the classroom.
Quarter 2 Beeline
After some discussion, there will be some changes to the
format of the BEEline for this quarter.
Grades K-5:
Please submit a brief description/outline of what you will be
covering during Q2. Please keep it short and simple, a few lines
is great.
Specials (Art, music, library, PE, Guidance):
You can submit what you covered during Q1 (similar to what you have done
for past BEElines) and/or what you will be covering for Q2. Again, please
keep is short and simple.
We would like to keep the newsletter at a manageable size,
such as 2-3 pages instead of 8!
Please send me your submissions by Friday, November 4.